[1] 2013.01 - 至今,哈尔滨工业大学,管理科学与工程系,教授 [2] 1998.01 - 2013.01,香港城市大学,信息系统系,教授 [3] 1986.01 - 1998.01,亚利桑那大学,信息管理中心,副教授 [4] 1984.01 - 1986.01,亚利桑那大学,信息管理中心,助理研究员 国际信息系统协会曾任主席AIS President(2012-2013),院士(AIS Fellow),哈工大首席国际学术顾问(管理科学与工程学科),HIT阿里巴巴云数据科学学院,名誉院长。 具有资讯系统相关领域45余年经验。在美国Colorado electronics manufacturer公司工作的十年间,历任工程总监、总经理和董事等多个技术和管理职位。致力研究管理信息系统在健康管理、人际交流,群体问题解决,合作学习,跨文化团队生产力,知识管理和电子健康等领域的应用和影响。致力将群决策技术引入个人生活和工作,企业,政府,教育机构和社会中。此外,在移动商务和移动电子学习应用领域等方面也有广泛研究。被认为是亚太地区最引用最多的信息系统学者(2009年)、合作最广泛的MIS学者之一(2002年)、以及群体支持系统领域Top-3和MIS领域Top-10的国际顶尖学者(1998年)。 培养超过100名博士研究生,其学生成为国际信息系统协会院士,信息系统领域顶级期刊(如MISQ)高级主编等。在国际上(如美国和欧洲)具很高影响力。主持超过一千五百万港币和九百万美元研究基金。为超过100家企业做过发展咨询和顾问。 科研项目:
[1] 国家自然科学基金重大项目,72293584,基于医联网的医疗健康协同服务机制,2023/01-2027/12、在研、主持 [2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,71871074,基于社交媒体支持的医疗保健—作用机理与模式创新,2019/01-2022/12、已结题、主持 [3] Development of a student learning behavior diagnostic tool for the “Discovery Enriched Curriculum (Co PI with L. Vrijmoed), TDG, (HK$177,200), 2012. [4] Exploring Echo360 Continuance in a Trilingual Environment (with K. P. Mark and Eva Wong), Echo360 Corp., (US$ 10,000), 2009. [5] Collaborative e-Managerial Support for e-Science and e-Social Science (with Kuldeep Kumar), GRF, (HK$575,460 increased to HK$633,006), 2008. [6] A study of ubiquitous technologies in higher education in Hong Kong (CoI with David Kennedy, David Miles and Tom Boyle), GRF, (HK$509,224), 2008. [7] Supporting Adaptive Learning Processes in the e-Learning Environment Using Intelligent Agents (CoI with Maggie Wang), GRF, (HK$390,591), 2008.
主要论文: [1] Yabin Yang, Xitong Guo, Tianshi Wu, Doug Vogel, The effects of social media use and consumer engagement on physician online return: evidence from Weibo, Internet Research, 2023. [2] Qianqian Zhang, Zeyu Peng, Xitong Guo, Doug Vogel, Product involvement and routine use of a niche product from a well-known company: The moderating effect of gender, Information & Management, 60(2): 103758, 2023. [3] Shanshan Guo, Yuanyuan Dang, Doug Vogel, Bofei She. The effect of offline medical resource distribution on online physician-patient interaction: Empirical study with online and offline data, JMIR Formative Research, 7(1): e43533, 2023. [4] Qianqian Zhang, Xitong Guo, Doug Vogel, Examining the health impact of elderly ICT use in China. Information Technology for Development, 28(3): 451-467, 2022. [5] Xitong Guo, Guanyi Lu, Veronica H. Villena, Doug Vogel, Gregory R. Heim, Supply chain transformation and technology management challenges in developing regions: Inductive theory building from rural Chinese nanostores, Journal of Operations Management, 68(5): 454-486, 2022. [6] Yifan He, Xitong Guo, Tianshi Wu, Doug Vogel, The effect of interactive factors on online health consultation review deviation: An empirical investigation, International Journal of Medical Informatics, 163: 104781, 2022. [7] Qianqian Zhang, Xitong Guo, Doug Vogel, Addressing elderly loneliness with ICT Use: The role of ICT self-efficacy and health consciousness, Psychology, Health & Medicine, 27(5): 1063-1071, 2022. [8] Xiumei Ma, Yongqiang Sun, Xitong Guo, Kee-hung Lai, Doug Vogel, Understanding users’ negative responses to recommendation algorithms in short-video platforms: a perspective based on the Stressor-Strain-Outcome (SSO) framework, Electronic Markets, 2022: 1-18, 2022. [9] Xiumei Ma, Xiaofei Zhang, Xitong Guo, Kee-hung Lai, Doug Vogel, Examining the role of ICT usage in loneliness perception and mental health of the elderly in China, Technology in Society, 67: 101718, 2021. [10] Qianqian Zhang, Xitong Guo, Doug Vogel, Information and communication technology use for life satisfaction among the elderly: a motivation perspective. American Journal of Health Behavior, 45(4): 701-710, 2021. [11] Deborah Bunker, Annette Mills, Doug Vogel, Special Section of Invited Papers from the 30th Australasian Conference on Information Systems. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 2021, 25. [12] Xiaofei Zhang, Xitong Guo, Shuk Ying Ho, Kee-hung Lai, Doug Vogel, Effects of emotional attachment on mobile health-monitoring service usage: An affect transfer perspective. Information & Management, 58(2): 103312, 2021. [13] Fanbo Meng, Xitong Guo, Zeyu Peng, Kee-hung Lai, Doug Vogel, Investigating the effects of negative health mood on acceptance of mobile health services, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 22(3): 228-247, 2021. [14] Yuanyuan Dang, Shanshan Guo, Xitong Guo, Doug Vogel, Privacy protection in online health communities: Natural experimental empirical study, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(5): e16246, 2020. [15] Fanbo Meng, Xitong Guo, Zeyu Peng, Xiaofei Zhang, Doug Vogel, A 2020 perspective on “the routine use of mobile health services in the presence of health consciousness”. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 40: 100931, 2020. [16] Qianqian Zhang, Zeyu Peng, Xitong Guo, Doug Vogel. The routine use of a niche product from a well-known company: An empirical investigation of ApplePay, PACIS, 2020. [17] Yufei Li, Yuanyuan Song, Wei Zhao, Xitong Guo, Xiaofeng Ju and Doug Vogel, “Exploring the Role of Online Health Community Information in Patients’ Decisions to Switch from Online to Offline Medical Services,” International Journal of Medical Informatics, 130: 103951, 2019. [18] Fanbo Meng, Xitong Guo, Zeyu Peng, Xiaofei Zhang* and Doug Vogel, “The Routine Use of Mobile Health Services in the Presence of Health Consciousness,” Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 35: 100847, 2019. [19] Yan Li, Xitong Guo, Carol Hsu, Xiaoxiao Liu and Doug Vogel, “Exploring the Impact of the Prescription Automatic Screening System in Health Care Services: Quasi-Experiment,” JMIR Medical Informatics,7(2): 114-126, 2019. [20] Shuk Ying Ho, Xitong Guo and Doug Vogel, “Opportunities and Challenges in Healthcare Information Systems Research: Caring for Patients with Chronic Conditions,” Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 44:852-873, 2019. [21] Shanshan Guo, Xitong Guo, Xiaofei Zhang and Doug Vogel, “Doctor-Patient Relationship Strength’s Impact in an Online Healthcare Community,” Information Technology for Development, 24(2): 279-300, 2018. [22] Shanshan Guo, Xitong Guo, Yulin Fang and Doug Vogel, “How Doctors Gain Social and Economic Returns in Online Health-Care Communities: A Professional Capital Perspective,” Journal of Management Information Systems, 34(2): 487-519, 2017. [23] Xiaofei Zhang, Xitong Guo, Yi Wu, Kee-hung Lai and Doug Vogel, “Exploring the Inhibitors of Online Health Service Use Intention: A Status Quo Bias Perspective,” Information and Management, 54(8): 987-997, 2017. [24] Doug Vogel, Jing Zhao, Zhen Zhu, Xitong Guo and Jianqing Chen, “Introduction to the Special Issue on Service-Oriented E-Business Development,” Electronic Markets, 27(3): 197-198, 2017. [25] 郭熙铜, 张晓飞, 刘笑笑, Doug Vogel, “数据驱动的电子健康服务管理研究:挑战与展望,” 管理科学, 30(1): 3-14, 2017. [26] Xitong Guo, Shanshan Guo, Doug Vogel and Yijun Li, “Online Healthcare Community Interaction Dynamics,” Journal of Management Science and Engineering, 1(1): 58-74, 2016. [27] Xiongfei Cao, Xitong Guo, Doug Vogel and Xi Zhang, “Exploring the Influence of Social Media on Employee Work Performance,” Internet Research, 26(2): 529-545, 2016. [28] Ziyu Yan, Xitong Guo and Doug Vogel, “Understanding Dynamic Collaboration in Teleconsultation,” Information Technology for Development, 22(1): 152-167, 2016. [29] Xitong Guo, Sherry X. Sun and Doug Vogel, “A Dataflow Perspective for Business Process Integration,” ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 5(4): 1-33, 2014. [30] Ziyu Yan, Xitong Guo, Matthew K.O. Lee and Douglas R. Vogel, “A Conceptual Model of Technology Features and Technostress in Telemedicine Communication,” Information Technology & People, 26(3): 283-297, 2013. [31] Xitong Guo, Doug Vogel, Zhongyun Zhou, Xi Zhang and Huaping Chen, “Chaos Theory as a Lens for Interpreting Blogging,” Journal of Management Information Systems, 26(1): 101-127, 2009. 专著:
[1] Vogel, D., Guo, X., Linger, H., Barry, C., Lang, M., & Schneider, C. (Eds.). (2016). Transforming Healthcare Through Information Systems: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Information Systems Development (Vol. 17). Springer.
获奖情况: [1] 最佳论文荣誉奖,Supply chain transformation and technology management challenges in developing regions: Inductive theory building from rural Chinese nanostores, Journal of Operations Management,2023 [2] 黑龙江省高校人文社会科学研究优秀成果奖,数据驱动的电子健康服务管理研究:挑战与展望,2020 [3] 亚太地区被引次数最多的作者,2009 [4] HICSS Conference最佳论文提名,2008 [5] Ed-Media杰出论文奖,2007、2004 [6] AIS教育创新奖,2004 [7] 信息系统杂志(ISJ)‘裁判名人堂’,2004 [8] 在全球最具协作性的MIS研究人员名单中排名第四,2002 [9] 在1998年顶级集团支持系统研究人员的DSS期刊(第23卷)报告中排名第3,1998 [10] 州长表彰奖-教师发展委员会,1996 [11] 信息管理学会-论文竞赛第二名,1989 [12] 国际系统科学大会-获得最佳论文奖,1989
学术兼职: [1] 《管理科学》杂志编委成员 [2] 信息系统协会(AIS)主席,2012 [3] 信息系统协会(AIS)主席候选人,2011 [4] Kappa Delta Pi(国际荣誉教育协会),2011 [5] 信息系统协会LEO委员会,2010、2011 [6] AIS研究员遴选委员会,2013、2009 [7] IEEE软件顾问委员会,2009 [8] ICIS博士联合会联合主席,2009 [9] ICIS监管联合主席,2009、2007 [10] ICIS博士联合会成员,2008 [11] KMAP博士联合会成员,2006 [12] 信息系统协会(AIS)研究员,2004 [13] ACIS博士联合会成员,2004 [14] ICIS博士联合会成员,1999 [15] 国际性荣誉商学组织Beta Gamma Sigma 成员,1986 [16] ICIS博士联盟成员,1985 |

电话: 0451-86414022 Email:
vogel.doug@gmail.com isdoug@hit.edu.cn 办公地点: 科学园2H247 |