Smart Health, Bright Future


2007.09-2011.07  中国青年政治学院  经济学学士

2011.09-2013.07  中共黑龙江省委党校  经济学硕士

2013.09-2017.07  哈尔滨工业大学  经济与管理学院  工商管理博士


2019.12至今        特聘副教授(A类引进)广东工业大学

2018.10-2019.09  访问学者  香港城市大学

2017.07-2019.09  博士后  广东工业大学



[1] Hualong Yang, Helen Du*, Shang Wei, “Understanding the influence of professional status and service feedback on patients’ doctor choice in online healthcare markets,” Internet Research, 31 (2021), 1236-1261. (SSCI, IF:6.773, JCR一区, ABS3星)

[2] Hualong Yang*, Dan Li, “Understanding the effects of goal difficulty, achievement incentives, and social network on performance,” Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 161 (2021), 120839. (SSCI, IF:8.593, JCR一区, ABS3星)

[3] Hualong Yang*, Dan Li, “Exploring the inverted-U relationship between gamification achievement and health management performance,” Computers in Human Behavior, 121 (2021), 106805. (SSCI, IF:6.829, JCR一区, ABS2星)

[4] Hualong Yang, Dan Li*, “Understanding the dark side of gamification health management: a stress perspective,” Information Processing & Management, 58 (2021), 102649. (SSCI, IF:6.222, JCR一区, ABS2星)

[5] Hualong Yang, Helen Du*, Wei He, Han Qiao, “Understanding the motivators affecting doctors’ contributions in online healthcare communities: professional status as a moderator,” Behaviour & Information Technology, 40 (2021), 146-160. (SSCI, IF:3.086, JCR二区, ABS2星)

[6] 杨化龙, 杜松华*, 詹宝强, 李展尧, 于秀丽. “组合保护政策对双渠道医疗服务供给的影响” , 管理评论. 33(2021), 154-169. (CSSCI, 国家自然科学基金委指定A类期刊)

[7] Yuqiang Mai, Hualong Yang*, Guangyu Zhang “Does Business Model Innovation Enhance the Sustainable Development of New Ventures? Understanding an Inverted-U Relationship,” Sustainability, 13(2021), 262. (SSCI, IF:2.576, JCR二区)

[8] 麦愈强, 杨化龙*, 张光宇 “创业导向与学习导向对创业型企业商业模式创新的影响” 企业经济, 8 (2020), 87-95. (中文核心期刊)

[9] 李东霞, 杨化龙 “基于双重视角的高端制造业创新绩效研究——企业和政府及其交互作用”, 福建商学院学报, 3(2020), 72-78.

[10] Hualong Yang*, Dan Li, “Gamification of Self-health Management: Understanding the Moderating Effect of Demographic Difference,” Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), 2020. (EI和ISTP检索, 管理信息系统亚洲旗舰会议)

[11] 杨化龙, “电子商务课程双语教学实践研究——以电子商务理论前沿与实践为例”, 亚太教育. 18(2020), 75-76. (教改论文)

[12] Hualong Yang, Helen Du*, Le Wang, Alex Deng. “Engaging in Weight Loss Tasks of Mobile Health Applications: The Dual Influence of Social Support and Body Condition,” Telemedicine and e-Health, 25 (2019), 591-598. (SSCI, IF: 2.165, JCR二区)

[13] Hualong Yang, Xiaofei Zhang* “Investigating the Effect of Paid and Free Feedback on Patients’ and Physicians’ Behaviors: Panel Data Analysis,” Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(2019), e12156. (SSCI, IF:5.428, JCR一区) 

[14] Hualong Yang, Helen Du*, Le Wang, Tianshi Wu “The influence of social support networks on health conditions via user engagement: Gender as a moderator,” Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 20(2019), 35-54. (SSCI, IF:2.861, JCR三区, ABS1星)

[15] 杨化龙*, 鞠晓峰 “探究社会支持与个人目标对健康状况的影响” 管理科学, 30(2017), 53-61. (CSSCI,国家自然科学基金委指定A类期刊)

[16] Shizhang Pang*, Xiaofeng Ju, Hualong Yang. “Analysis of the micro-blog marketing method by the industrial and commercial banks of China for large-scale LED enterprises,” Light & Engineering, 14 (2016), 141-144. (SCI)

[17] Hualong Yang*, Xiaofeng Ju, “Understanding the physicians’ motivations on contributing to online health community: offline status as a moderator,” Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), 2016. (EI和ISTP检索, 管理信息系统亚洲旗舰会议)

[18] Hualong Yang, Xitong Guo*, Tianshi Wu. “Exploring the influence of the online physician service delivery process on patient satisfaction,” Decision Support Systems, 78(2015), 113-121. (SSCI\SCI, IF:3.565, 管理信息系统A类期刊, JCR一区, ABS3星)

[19] Hualong Yang, Xitong Guo*, Tianshi Wu, Xiaofeng Ju. “Exploring the effects of patient-generated and system-generated information on patients’ online search and decisions,” Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 14(2015), 192-203. (SSCI, IF:2.582, 电子商务B+类期刊, JCR二区, ABS2星)

[20] Hualong Yang*, Xiaofeng Ju, “Offline ranking VS online rating: investigating the effects and strengths of doctors’ information on patients’ choice of consulting a doctor,” International Conference on Management Science & Engineering, 2015. (ISTP检索, 管理信息系统国际知名会议)


[1] 《分级诊疗背景下医疗服务双渠道供需决策与匹配机制研究》,国家自然科学基金委青年项目,项目编号:71901073,主持人。(在研)

[2] 《目标框架理论视角下游戏化示能性对绿色消费行为的影响机制研究》,国家自然科学基金委面上项目,项目编号:72072040,主要参与人。(在研)

[3] 《游戏化示能性驱动绿色消费行为的实证研究及设计策略》,广东省基础与应用基础研究基金面上项目,项目编号:2019A1515011731,主要参与人。(在研)


[5] 《基于过程视角的在线医患交互模型及实证研究》,中国博士后基金委,面上项目,项目编号:2017M622647,主持人。(已结题)

[6] 《基于在线医疗社区的医患交互机制研究》,国家自然科学基金委面上基金,项目编号:71471048,主要参与人。(已结题)

[7] 《国外国防工业创新体制及政府治理机制研究》,国家国防科技工业局国防项目,项目编号:QTQQ2710600115,主要参与人。(已结题)


2015  国家研究生奖学金

2016  哈尔滨工业大学管理学院黄梯云奖学金特等奖

2019  广东工业大学管理学院年度优秀科技工作奖

2020  广东工业大学暑期“三下乡”社会实践活动优秀指导老师

2021  广东工业大学管理学院“比创争活动优胜者”

2021  广东工业大学管理学院本科毕业设计“创新奖”论文指导老师 (赖佳婷)

2021  广东工业大学管理学院本科毕业设计“创新奖”论文指导老师 (胡志斌)


