Smart Health, Bright Future
Professor Reychav Iris visits eHealth Research Insititute

From May 8th to 22nd, 2019, Professor Iris Reychav of Emer University in Israel was invited by Professor Guo Xitong, Executive Director of the e-Health Research Institute of the School of Management, to visit the e-Health Research Institute of Harbin Institute of Technology. Professor Reychav is the head of the cooperative learning technology laboratory  which focuses on mobile information systems in health and education, green technology and collaborative learning technologies.

During the visit, Professor Reychav conducted a series of seminars on the theme of Mobile Information Systems in Health to provide an in-depth explanation of the application of information systems in the field of medical and health and to conduct academic exchanges with teachers and students of the School of Management. In addition to holding seminars, Professor Reychav also had face-to-face discussions with each classmate, giving specific guidance and advice to each student's research questions.

During the visit of Harbin Institute of Technology, Professor Reychav carefully guided each student's research project, providing valuable guidance and suggestions for the students' current research and future research directions, and was highly praised by teachers and students. At the same time, Professor Reychav initiated a projected cooperation with the e-Health Research Institute and collaborated with a number of students.