Smart Health, Bright Future
Hongze Yang
Hongze Yang 

2010.09-2012.06 M.S. Tianjin University, Technology Economy and Management

2006.09-2010.07 B.S. Harbin Institute of Technology, International Economy and Trade

Academic and Professional Experience:

2012.07-2016.12 Harbin Electric Corporation, as a business executive of Economic operation Department

Academic Achievement:

[1] Theory and Case Study of Strategic Planning[M]. Guo Yan, Yang Hongze, ISBN,9787561844793;Tianjin University Press,2012.12

[2] Analysis, Prediction, Evaluation model and Case study for Enterprise Strategy[M]. Guo Yan, Chen Liran, Yang Hongze, Zhang Qian, ISBN,7561844476;Tianjin University Press,2012.09

[3] A study of transformation mechanism and factor analysis of instability and stability of Strategic Alliance. Thesis, Yang Hongze, 2012.06.

[4] Lenovo: Opportunity or trap by leasing ships. Guo Yan, Yang Hongze, 2011.09. Selected in the second national “One Hundred Excellent Management Case

The Reward:

2010.07 Excellent graduate of Harbin Institute of Technology

2009.03 Merit Student of Harbin Institute of Technology

Research Area: