Smart Health, Bright Future
Liuan Wang
Liuan Wang 

2015-now  Ph.D.  Harbin Institute of Technology 

2017-2018 Visiting Scholar, University of Illinois, Chicago

2017-2018 Visiting Scholar, Indiana University, Burminton

2012-2015 M.S.  Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China

2006-2010 B.S.  Beijing Institute of Technology 

Academic and Professional Experience:

2010.7-2011.8 Assistant Engineering Beijing CCUIT Science & Technology Co.Ltd 

Academic Achievement:

[1] Liuan Wang, Hillol Bala, Lucy Yan, Xitong Guo. The Effects of Surface and Deep Level Similarities on Online Behaviors: 

An Investigation of Online Healthcare Platforms, Proceedings of 39th International Conference on Information Systems

[2] Liuan Wang, Tianshi Wu, Xitong Guo, Xiaofei Zhang, Yan Li, Weiguo Wang. Exploring mHealth Monitoring Service Acceptance from a Service Characteristics Perspective, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2018, 30, 159-168. 

[3] Liuan  Wang, Xitong Guo,  Tianshi Wu, Lucheng Lv, Zhiwei Zhang. Short-Term Effects of Social Encouragement on Exercise Behavior: Insights from China's Wanbu Network, Public Health, 

July 2017, 148, 25-29. 

[4] Chen Baixue, Changchun, Wang Liu'an, Terminology Interpretation Analysis and Acquisition of Relations between Thesaurus [J].Library and Information Work, 2017, 61(10): 125-130

[5] Liuan Wang, Lu(Lucy) Yan, Xitong Guo, Greg Heim.“Modeling Physicians’ Dynamic Behaviors in an Online Healthcare Community: An Empirical Study Using a Vector Autoregression Approach” the 8th Conference on Health IT and Analytics, November 3-4, 2017, Washington, USA. (Best Student Paper Award Runner-up)

[6] Wang Liuan, Chang Chun. Study on Selection Method of Preferred Term in English Science & Technology Super-Thesaurus Library and Information Service, 2014, 58(13):107-112.

[7] Wang Liuan, Chang Chun. Study on English-Chinese Translation Method Based on Conceptual Attribute of Thesauri. The 10th International Conference on Natural Computation and the 2014 11th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery.

[8] Wang Liuan, Chang Chun. Research on Synonymous Terms Recognition Based on Equivalence Relationship Conduction. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2014, 37(9), 91-100.

[9] Wang Liuan, Chang Chun. Study On Abbreviation For Synonymous Terms Merging, Library and Information Service, 2014,58(2):11-14.

[10] Wu Shao-bin, Gao Li, Wang Liu-an. Detecting Driving Fatigue Based On Electroencephalogram, Transaction of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2009, 29(12) 1072-1075.

[11] Wu Shao-Bin, Li Jian-Feng, Gao Li Wang Liu-An Vehicle Stability Control Strategy And Simulation Based On Virtual Reality 

The Reward:

2018          National Scholarship for Postgraduate 

2018          Huang Tieyun First Prize for Innovation Research

2017          Best Student Paper Award Runner-up, the 8th Conference on Health IT and Analytics (CHITA)

2013          Award The Branch Of Special Libraries, Library Society of China
2008-2009 Award HORIBA ATS Scholarship In Beijing Institue Of Technology
Research Area:
eHealth,Online Health Community, Big Data Business Analysis, Knowledge Organization
Table Tennis,Running