Smart Health, Bright Future
Xiaoxiao Liu
Xiaoxiao Liu 

Ph.D. student Harbin Institute of Technology Management Science and Engineering

Joint Ph.D. student National University of Singapore Information Systems

M.S. Harbin Institute of Technology Management Science and Engineering (July 2014)

B.S. Harbin Institute of Technology Information Management and Information Systems (July 2012)

Academic and Professional Experience:

Department of Information Systems

City University of Hong Kong

Research Assistant (2017.2-2018.2)

Research Assistant (2015.12-2016.3)

Research Assistant (2015.3-2015.6)

Academic Achievement:

[1]  Xiaoxiao Liu, Xitong Guo, Hong Wu, and Tianshi Wu. The Impact of Individual and Organizational Reputation on Physicians’ Appointments Online[J]. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2016, 20(4): 551-577.

[2] 郭熙铜, 张晓飞, 刘笑笑, Doug Vogel. 数据驱动的电子健康服务管理研究: 挑战与展望[J]. 管理科学, 2017, 30(1): 3-14.

[3] Xiaoxiao Liu, Qianqian Ben Liu, and Xitong Guo, Patients’ Use of Social Media Improves Doctor-patient Relationship and Patient Wellbeing: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in China[C]. in Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dublin, Ireland, December 11-14, 2016.

[4] Ling Ge, Xitong Guo, Xiaoxiao Liu. Super Stars or Equalized Field: An Empirical Analysis of an Online Healthcare Platform[C]. in Proceedings of the 21th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS),  Puerto Rico. August 13-15, 2015.

[5] Xiaoxiao Liu, Xitong Guo, Hong Wu, Vogel Doug. Doctor’s Effort Influence on Online Reputation and Popularity[C]. International Conference on Smart Health (ICSH). Springer International Publishing, 2014: 111-126.

[6] Mingye Hu, Jingbo Shao, Bo Sophia Xiao and Xiaoxiao Liu. Impact of Opinion Leaders on Community Sustainability: An Empirical Investigation in the Context of Online Brand Communities [C]. The 12th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM 2018).

[7] Min Zhang, Tianshi Wu, Xitong Guo, Xiaoxiao Liu and Weiwei Sun. The Effects of the Externality of Public Goods on Doctor’s Private Benefit: Evidence from Online Health Community[C]. International Conference on Smart Health (ICSH). Springer, Cham, 2017: 149-160.

The Reward:

National Scholarship  2017

Best Paper Nominee International Conference on Smart Health 2017

Best M.S. Dissertation Paper Harbin Institute of Technology 2014,
Research Area:
Social Media