Fei Liu |
发布时间:2018-03-09 |
Fei Liu 2014- PhD. Student in Management Science & Engineering, School of Management in Harbin Institute of Technology, China. PhD. Student in Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong 2010-2011 MSc in Accounting and Finance, the Business School of the University of Birmingham, U.K. 2006-2010 BA in Finance with Business English, the Business School of the University of Portsmouth, U.K. Academic and Professional Experience: 2012-2014 Institution: Northeast Petroleum University, China Academic Achievement: 1. Fei Liu, Yingying Li, Xitong Guo, Xiaofeng Ju. Exploring Patients’ Consultation Behavior in the Online Health Community. Telemedicine and e-Health. 2. Fei Liu, Eric Ngai, Xiaofeng Ju. Understanding Mobile Health Service Use: An Investigation of Routine and Emergency Use Intentions. International Journal of Information Management. 3. Fei Liu, Chunxiao Yin, Xitong Guo, Xiaofeng, Ju. The Digital Divide in Mobile Health Services: Difference Across Age Segmentations. International Conference on Management Science & Engineering, Switzerland : Olten, 2016. 4. Fei Liu, Eric Ngai, Xitong Guo. Mobile Health: An Emerging Theme in Healthcare Information System. International Conference for Smart Health. Hong Kong, 2017. 5. Fei Liu, Xitong Guo, Xiaofeng Ju. Routine Use of Mobile Health Service: Promotion or Prevention. AMCIS, America: New Orleans, 2018. 6. Fei Liu, Xitong Guo, Xiaofeng Ju, Xiaocui Han. Exploring the Effects of Different Incentives on Doctors’ Contribution Behaviors in Online Health Communities. International Conference for Smart Health. Wuhan, 2018. The Reward: ![]() email: f.liu@connect.polyu.hk Research Area: Hobbies:eHealth mHealth Badminton |