Smart Health, Bright Future
Professor Subodha Kumar from Texas A&M University visited eHealth Research Institute

Professor Subodha Kumar from the Mays Business School at Texas A&M University was invited by the 2016 HIT International Summer School to give lectures. During his visiting period, Professor Guo, vice-director of HIT eHealth Research Institute, invited Professor Subodha Kumar to give four academic presentations: (1) Data Analytics and Decision Analytics Models across Different Domains, (2) Competitive Strategies for Brick-and-Mortar Stores to Counter Showrooming, (3) Sustainability of Healthcare Information Exchanges, and (4) Impact of Recommender Systems. These presentations allowed every member to broaden their horizons in research. Professor Guo also introduced current research and eHealth Research Institute programs to Professor Subodha Kumar. Additionally, Professor Subodha Kumar gave advice on each student’s current research and future research directions.

Dr. Subodha Kumar is the Carol and G. David Van Houten, Jr. ’71 Professor at the Mays Business School, Texas A&M University. Professor Kumar’s research and teaching interests include Social media analytics, Healthcare management, Retailing, Supply chain management, Project management, Electronic commerce, Web advertisement, Scheduling, Combinatorial optimization, Web pricing, Database management, and Network security. The list of journals where his papers have appeared include Management Science, Operations Research, Information Systems Research, Production and Operations Management, IIE Transactions, Decision Sciences, Journal of Management Information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, European Journal of Operational Research, Interfaces, Journal of Scheduling, and Computers and Industrial Engineering. Professor Kumar is the Deputy Editor and a Department Editor of Production and Operations Management (POM), a Senior Editor of Decision Sciences, and an Associate Editor of Information Systems Research (ISR).