Smart Health, Bright Future
The 24th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2015)

The 24th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2015) has been hosted by the eHealth Research Institute, School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China at August 25-27, 2015.

The theme of ISD2015 conference is Transforming Healthcare through Information Systems. The ISD2015 conference, among other topics, focus on:   

IS Impact on Healthcare Organizations and Society   

ISD Education   

Sensor-based Systems Development   

Mobile Systems and Applications   

Model Driven Development and Concepts   

Security and Privacy Considerations   

General Concepts e.g., Managing IS Development, ISD Methodologies, Project Management, Innovation in ISD,Legal/Ethical Issues, and Other Topics.

Healthcare as we know it is increasingly unaffordable and incapable of dealing with emerging population dynamics. Information Systems play an important role in healthcare transformation to meet current and future needs. As healthcare expands to address wellness as well as treatment in a more patient-centric context, aspects of content and process as well as technology all enter into ISD considerations. The conference focuses on mutual influences between information systems and organizational structures, processes and people in promoting research on methodological issues and ways in which IS designers and developers are transforming organizations and society through information systems.    

For additional information see the conference website at